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Prevent phone from updating to Oreo


Prevent phone from updating to Oreo

I'm going to buy a new Xperia X Compact, but given all the horror stories I've heard about Nougat and Oreo, how can I prevent the phone from updating? If I can choose to ignore a message to update, is there a way to turn off the notifications?


At the moment there are already about 100 million (!) active Android devices running on Oreo. You just read a few stories here from people who had some bad experience with the update to Oreo. You will read these kind of stories with every major or minor update of Android (or any other OS).

Well, I have had no issues of any importance, my X Compact is working great with Oreo! Just do the update.


"Nougat" is a good version, don't fear it. New Sony smartphones are usually sold with the latest version of Android already installed at the time of manufacture of the device. Most likely it will be Nougat. To avoid updating to "Oreo", you can simply disable automatic system updates in the settings. However, then you will need to ignore messages about the new system update.

Somewhere on this forum I've seen a way to disable annoying update messages. Go look.



At the moment there are already about 100 million (!) active Android devices running on Oreo. You just read a few stories here from people who had some bad experience with the update to Oreo. You will read these kind of stories with every major or minor update of Android (or any other OS).

Well, I have had no issues of any importance, my X Compact is working great with Oreo! Just do the update.

I disagree with the author. I have been updated since Android 5.0 version Has never been a problem. There have been changes better or worse than anyone else's taste. But Android 8.0 Oreo is so problematic version. It is the upgrade to the Oreo and the emergence of many critical issues in the operation of the smartphone has forced me to come to this forum. And so Yes, if you use a smartphone only as a phone with Oreo problems will not. The phone works well.


Oh boy, then I'll stick to Nougat for a bit longer myself. Grinning_Face Regarding the OP, as far as I've seen on my own X Compact, if you kill the software updater app, the notification goes away too. Perhaps like Ozon_Aleksei says, go search these Forum boards for more.


Thanks. But the fact is that the same problems are cropping up on quite a few phones. If mine is one of them, will you or Sony replace it?


The one I'm considering buying is available on Amazon, and the seller says it has Marshmallow. I may keep it there (if possible) until I start reading that Sony has fixed the problems some users are having.