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No sound and video viewing problems


No sound and video viewing problems

My phone currently produces no sound whatsoever, through speakers and headphones. It occurred with a sort of clicking sound before it stopped working. Turning the phone off and on again used to make it work, however this has now stopped as well. Whenever this happens, I also cannot view videos from YouTube, Instagram and other apps and websites, with YouTube coming up with an error. I have literally no idea why this is happening and I currently have no sound or video capabilities on my phone. 

Thank you for any help given and it will be highly appreciated. 


To start your search of what is happening you should try safe mode and/or goto the support app and test the speakers.

You might get some help by following the manual: read what is written here and scroll down the menu.

Then come back and share your findings.

In the end you might find out that your device has to be sent in for repair.

First test.


same happens to my device ... it also gets too much heated, usb support nor working..i reset the phone..tried to do software repair through xperia companion..but in vain...finally i gave it to the customer service guys and they said it is probably irrepairable...

its just 1nd half year..dnt know what to do