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No picture in the display after entering code for unlocking the Android system.


No picture in the display after entering code for unlocking the Android system.

Help needed. 

My Sony X performance has a very strange fault. 

AFTER I log into Android the screen goes black and it feels like the phone is dead. (I'm not sure if it is on or not)

The strange part is, that until I login, the phone is completely normal. Touch and everything works normal. I can even go to the emergency dialer and call for help. As soon as I proceed from here the phone goes black. 

I tried to factory reset the phone without help. Advices needed. 




Hi @AskeME,

This sounds very strange, sorry to hear about it. Slightly_frowning_Face

Do I understand correctly that this occurs when you enter the PIN/password or pattern screen lock code for unlocking and starting the Android system? If that is the behaviour that you are experiencing, try removing the SIM and/or SD card from your device and start it up again.

I would also recommend that you turn your device off and when you start it up again, press and hold volume down button during the start up. The phone will now boot up in safe mode and all third party applications won't be loaded. Just so we can make sure that one of them isn't the cause of this.

If there is no change after trying the steps above, try performing a software repair using Xperia Companion. This will delete all data stored on the internal storage in your phone and reinstall the latest available software.

Keep me posted!


You understand it correctly Jonas. As soon as I proceed after the log in pattern the phone continues and shortly after (normal I manage to get a quick glimpse of my wallpaper) it turns black and unresponsive.

I'll try your advice in about 5 days time when I'm back home 



Thanks for the update and feel free to keep me posted on how it went when you are back home!


Hello Jonas. 

I have tried your suggestions. Actually I managed to enter android now, but the screen still has its own life. I thought I might be the proximity sensor....

If I go to diagnostics -> test -> proximity sensors = it fails the test. (No vibration when covered) however I downloaded a third party app "ProximityScreenOff lite" where I can play around with the configurations, however I'm not sure if I'm just random lucky or if the app has an actual effect. It's seems a bit better, but still the screen does what it wants ( but now there is a big chance to revive it without rebooting) 

Am I on the right track with the proximity sensor or can other events make the screen its own master?



Hi again!

I'm sorry for the late reply.

That sounds very odd, the proximity sensor should only turn off the screen while you are in a call and the sensor is being covered by, for example your ear.

However the proximity sensor is also the light sensor which controls the brightness level in your display if you have the adaptive brightness setting activated in Settings > Display. Is the light sensor working if you go to Settings > About phone > Diagnostics > Test > Light sensor?

Do you have any screen protector on your display? If you do, try removing it. You can also wipe with a clean cloth at the sensor (it is placed to the right of the Sony logo at the top of the screen).

You also mentioned that the screen does what it want, do you mean that it is opening up application on its own or is the brightness level going up and down?

Since you are able to enter Android now, could you try and reboot your phone in safe mode and see if you are experiencing the same behaviour here?

Let me know how it went!


Sorry, it was not the best description. What I meant is the screen I still going from working normally to off (black and not responding) whenever it wants.

I'll try your advices when I come home in a day or two. 


I see, thanks for explaining!

If there is no change while the phone is rebooted in safe mode, please proceed with the software repair.

Keep me posted!


What if it won't do it stays on black screen

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Hi @Sickmatt, welcome to our forum!

I'm not quite sure that I understand what you are asking, could you please elaborate a bit on the behaviour that you are experiencing?

Thank you! Slightly_smiling_Face