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Minor annoyance - wifi/data activity indicators since Oreo


Minor annoyance - wifi/data activity indicators since Oreo

As the title says, this is just a minor issue, but yet another since installing Oreo on my X Compact.

Who decided that the activity arrows/indicators for WIFI and data should be to the left of those particular icons when data is being transmitted/received? Is this a Google thing or something Sony have implemented? It is ridiculous. I'm trying to read stuff on the screen and all I can see from my peripheral vision is the icons in the top right shifting from one side to another because of these indicators. Is there any way to turn them off completely??


Hello everyone!

I have forwarded the feedback from all of you internally, but do note that I can't make any promises that will be changed in a coming update!


I can NOT believe that this hasn't been fixed yet? Minor? No, MAJOR  annoyance. I only upgraded to Orea today, and this issue makes me want to revert back to Nougat immediately, if that is possible?


To each their own, of course.  But I actually like being able to have a visual indication of data being transferred by WiFi/cell network. So, no problem here.


@pseudonym wrote:

To each their own, of course.  But I actually like being able to have a visual indication of data being transferred by WiFi/cell network. So, no problem here.

It's not the visiual indication that's annoying people, most people myself included want that to be shown, it's the fact that in Oreo they inexplicably moved the indicator arrows to the side of the WiFi and data icons rather than underneath. This makes items in the notification bar move around constantly. 


I see what you mean. Actually, the Xperia X compact I have has been running Oreo from the beginning. I guess I can see the change being startling if you're not expecting it.