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Lost photos


Lost photos

This is not a post to ask the kind people of this forum to solve a problem for me, but rather a comment that I wish to voice through this medium.

I have been using the Sony mobile products for over a decade, from the days of Sony Ericsson and have had no complaints in the past. However, for the past two handsets that I have had - the Z3 Compact and more recently, the Xperia X - I have had the same problem with dire consequences.

This problem can be divided into three parts:

1. When I take pictures, the said pictures, more often than not, disappear from the phone soon after the picture has been taken. They are nowhere to be found in the phone and I have searched every folder of the phone both on the internal storage and the external memory card.

2. When the few pictures that do remain on the phone are there, I don't have the option of attaching the file to, for example, an email as it is not recognised by the software that you want to attach the picture.

3. In order to make space on the internal memory it would be feasible to transfer photos/videos to the external storage. Not a chance on my Xperia X!! Tried that a couple of times and again, lost all that I attempted to transfer!

I have lost loads of pictures of my honeymoon and wedding because of this in addition to other photos that I had captured that I hold dear. I have even tried using a file recovery software to see if I would be able to recover the lost photos but to no avail.

With a heavy heart, I have come to the conclusion that I will NEVER own another Sony mobile in the future. Don't get me wrong, every product has a flaw - nothing is perfect. But to be stung twice with the same problem by two different models of Sony mobile phones, I have learnt my lesson. As the proverb goes, 'once bitten, twice shy'!

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Are you using an SD card for photos?

In fact I'll cut to the chase, test the SD card/s

Using H2TestW.

Pictures never saving is major clue when looking at corrupted or fake capacity SD cards.

If the same card was in your Z3 and X it's almost certainly the problem.


Yes. I have used both my SD card and the internal storage to (try and) save my photos.


I'll try and do as you suggest and will update you.
