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I lost my Xperia X. And I have a question about it. My phone probably discharged while looking for it so the find my phone shows the last location of it.
Since I lost it on tram I think somebody took it. Is there a possibility the person could restore it by Sony restore tool and the location wouldn't update and the fingerprint lock and gesture would be lost?
Is there a way to do it unnoticed? Phone usually asks for gesture while start up then my pin code and then gesture again.
Just curious what are the chances of me seeing it again if not, at least I hope it's gonna be useless and the thief burns
Thanks for answers
Did you set up your ICE details? That way, if it was turned on and not stolen they could contact you.
You mean with Find my phone tool?
Nope. ICE In Case of Emergency.
Or at least display you name and an email on the lock screen.
If your phone it's off with wifi/data off, gps off, myxperia or android device manager disabled, etc there's nothing you can do
It's really a pity for you.
Phone can only be returned if the finder knows who owns it.
There are several options that you want to install before your phone gets lost:
- to be able to find your phone go
- place a text and phone number on the lock screen
- fill out your ICE information and add some addresses there. Just tap some family addresses there, you don't have to be afraid to do so, only their phone numbers will be displayed.
In fact ICE is a little known feature present on all smartphones. Only a minority use this life saving and/or phone retrieving feature.
But that wasn't my question, my phone probably gone off battery and since the moment it has been inactive on the Find your phone app.
My question was more, if you reinstall the phone, would it connect to internet and detect new location or would it show the same location? Like how well the app works. If I have gesture for start up, if they try to turn it on, does it connect to GPS and updates the location?
There are numerous ways how to return phone without having address - police, photo on social media...
Anyway, thank you all for tips how to prevent it. I will be even more careful next time
First and foremost, do immediately change any critical passwords, actually change them all, and disable internet banking connections if used.
Remotely wipe your phone just in case, if available.
If you know your IMEI, and depending on your country laws, police might request a carrier to triangulate position based on that when network towers are contacted . Though probably, that won't happen cause the value is almost certainly too low to push any investigation.
If its an honest finder , you could always send a text with contact details. Worth a shot.