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Hwo to disable cable headset answering button to start/stop music player?

Hwo to disable cable headset answering button to start/stop music player?

I do not wnat the answering button on my Sony cable headset to start and stop my music player (when not in a call). I want the headset button to only answer/hang up phone calls. I want to manage my musicplayer via phone screen.  The reason is that I listen to books and often button is pressed by accident (when not listening I have headset in my pocket and I have to find my way back to where I last listened in the book).

I use the Sony default music player (purple icon) and I can not find any setting, neither inside the app nor in android settings. I have upgraded to latest release of Android 8 from Sony.

I have uninstalled smart connect app and restarted my phone but still the answering button starts and stops my music player (when not in a call).

Even when listening to FM radio, if pushing answering button on cable headset, the music player starts...

How can I disable answering button to control my music player?




I can see how frustrating that could be, there isn't a way to do so, but do send your feedback to Sony >>> Local support 

I will also escalate this.

Tried a brand new MH750 headset but it was tricky to get it conencted to phone - had to push really hard for the phone to notice headset plug inserted. With old headset it was easy to plug it in.

I called local Swedish sony phone support and they will send me a new headset to try if it is the same with that headset or if it depends on the headset as such.


Smartkey is the app to control what the headset button does.

I can not find any app called smartkey in my phone. I had smartconnect before. Found noting it that app to configure answernig button but now that is uninstalled.

Or is your advice to download smartkey?

I downloaded smartkey by Sony from google play and set all possible  configure options to "Do noting" but still a click on my answering button on headset starts/stops my music player, at least wit my old headset.....



Excuse me for my late reply. Yes, my advice was to download Smartkey, but I haven’t had tested it and, as you say, it does not work as it should, been impossible to prevent the headset button to pause the music. After all, @uliwoly said already that it’s impossible. I’m sorry.