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How to turn off vibration on Experia X Compact?


How to turn off vibration on Experia X Compact?

OK, at this point my friend is <this> close to throwing her Experia X Compact into the trash and never using Sony phones ever again (after many years, she started back in Ericsson days). Why? Vibration!!!

Yes.. before you suggest that... she did turn off vibration for notifications in Settings, key presses, etc, etc.  But the phone seems to vibrate MORE, not less over time (seems like Android 8 update made it MUCH WORSE). Now missed calls vibrate. Hangouts vibrate [despite being off in app settings]. Even Google Maps naviation vibrates [no setting in the app to turn it off]

Any help? She is desperate at this point. Any apps? Hacks? Tips? Anything short of using a hammer to destroy the device.



Are you sure she's not setting her phone on the VIBRATE mode? If you turn down the volume to the lowest it will activate "Vibration only" mode, one more press on the volume down will activate "Do no disturb" mode (aka silent mode).


I have the same problem. The vibration of this phone is so strong it drives me nuts! It makes more noise than the ringtone 😕 I hate it.

Any tips on how to turn off the vibration generally - for calls, messages, notifications etc, but(!) leave the sound on?

Or maybe some app to control the vibration strength? 


For sure, NO - and I just rechedked it. She turned off all possible vibration settings and the phone is NOT set to vibrate in notifications.  Vibrate on calls is for sure off and during a call the phone does NOT vibrate, but it DOES vibrate on missed calls.