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Does Xperia X still overheat?


Does Xperia X still overheat?

Hey guys, Im thinking about buying a Xperia X, but I heard alot about it is overheating when recording video. Is this still true or has it been fixed?


the phone overheats big time! and that is not even the worst problem with it.

the worst problems are: very poor wi-fi and bluetooth reception. the wi-fi is so bad that it will make you cry.

I own 2 Sony Xperia phones and a Samsung tablet and also comparing it with the previous phones that I owned this was by far the worst. If you get in an area with lower wi-fi signal where other devices will have let's say half signal and the speed reduced Xperia X will go through a connect/disconnect loop and 1/2 bars reception with much lower speed than other devices. I've tested it at work and at home in various scenarios. 

Another problem is, after 6  months or more of usage the phone overheats a lot and the battery drains rapidly. I don't think I get through 3 h of screen time. It just drains and overheats when I'm only reading the news.

Considering the launch price in UK of £479 or so this is by far the worst phone that I ever owned


Yes.. I'm facing this problem. Can do nothing 


My Sony Xperia x does I feel the same as you Sony always quotes they are the best in camera technology.As of today 11\02\2018 I gave my Sony another chance and set the video recording feature to 60fps and I did not get any errors,also no overheating I recorded for 2.30 minutes so maybe the last update had fixed the issue here's hoping.


Yeah, mine does approx 70% of the time, it's annoying. It happens even if a video is only a few seconds long. 

Tags (1)

It's a fact that Xperia X is apt to overheat easily.

You can get cross or learn to live with it by trying to avoid it.

Don't set it to Full HD 60fps but rather to Full HD 30fps or even just HD.

The difference will hardly be noticed in point and shoot videos.

Besides, if you want quality, don't use a phone, use a camera.


Unf yes u cant shoot any videos in hight quality more then 2,3 minutes.After  long workings session u just cant use it at all .So  i dont advice  u to buy this device if u like shoot videos and take a lot ot pictures esp at summer


Yo compré el equipo hace 3 días y sobrecalienta, en todas las apps que uso, por otra parte no logre grabar video con flash, la linterna casi no alumbra, por lo tanto el flash es malo, en cambio para fotos el flash funciona perfecto

I bought the computer 3 days ago and it overheats, in all the apps I use, on the other hand I do not manage to record video with flash, the flashlight almost does not light, therefore the flash is bad, on the other hand for photos the flash works perfect



Have owned mine for around 2 months now, under heavy use the phone has gotten warm at times but not hot. It had not turned off untill today, which was very odd considering the phone was really cold and all I was doing was viewing my contacts.

I was actually copying contacts from my phone to my grandads iphone, so maybee something from the iphone had upset it and the X just hates apple products more than myself :D.

Anyone know how if the android system has some kind of logging system for overheat protection so I can dig further into the issue please?


yah, still overheat while using camera, otherwise its all good. after 2 minute use the camera will shutdown due to overheat, its very bad



Use HD or Full HD (30fps)

You won't notice the difference but your device does.