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Device got freeze and not able to use when Charging Reaches 100%


Device got freeze and not able to use when Charging Reaches 100%

I purchase this Xperia X and no problem with the service or the device it self works really great for me, but problem is if I charge the device and at the moment that reach the 100 % if I do not disconnect the power the device got freeze and there is no way to make this device works just doing a master reset (restore the software) the last time in the authorizer Store which is my  service provieder they replaced a component, main board or some and 5 days later still doing the same right now is back in the shop very desapointed because previously I have a Galaxy and choose Sony because I  respect for this product, I contact tech support but they told my no able to help me.



Maybe you can try to force shutdown once this happens again.

The other thing you could try is to go to safe mode and see if this mishap happens in safe mode too.

In safe mode, your device only starts with software and applications that were already installed when you purchased your device. If the device performance improves in safe mode, it’s likely that one or more downloaded applications are affecting the device negatively.


Thank you for the info but already try to do that without any result. the thing is at that state the device just let me restart if I hold power plus volume down and then 1 buzz restart the device  and 3 buzz turn off, that is the only options at this point. if I let restart at the moment when is loading the system the device got freeze still under the Xperia logo device shows like the video resolution decrease and it freeze and some times restart it self or I have to repeat the  power and volume process but the only solutiuon at this point is reinstall the system again.  the lat time I was using the device just with default apps I did not install any appp at all and the error happened in less the 5 days