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Bluetooth prolem after Nougat update


Bluetooth prolem after Nougat update

Hey, i got the Nougat update today and after updating my heart rate monitor device stopped working. It was working perfectly before and i have tested it on another smartphone, and it works on that, so the problem must have come from the new updated Android 7.0.

With bluetooth scanner i can detect the heart rate monitor, and the app that i use also sees it, but it just cannot connect to it, i have tried clearing cache, rebooting phone several times and also re-installed the app and also tried several other apps, it doesnt work on any of them, but works on a iphone, with same app.


My HR-belt doesnt have software in it so i dont need to pair it with the phone, just with an app that supports BLE (any app). Since i cant use apps in safemode, theres really no way to test if it works there or not, but it sure aint working in regular mode, even after factory reset.


For me the at least the Polar Beat app started to connect to H7 after I paired H7 with phone in safe mode. I put phone to scan bluetooth devices and it found Polar H7 xxxxxx and let me pair it. After restarting then into normal mode the Beat app gave me an option to pair the belt. Without first pairing from phone's bluetooth settings in safe mode, the app just showed me correct HR Sensor but never succesfully connected. On the screenshot of phones bt settings it also shows as paired device.




I am currently using beats headphones and when i connect it to my sony xperia x it plays the music for 5 seconds and then it stops, however the phone works fine with sony headphones which came with the phone.
Unfortunately these old style sony headphones have awful Quality and I prefer beats headphones therefore I would like to know how this can be fixed. Factory data reset - done but nothing changed. I never had a problem with any of Z series phones, just this.

does this happen when you are on safe mode?

try to install Smart Connect app


I just tried it out in safe mode and the same thing happens. Also Smart connect doesn't help.
I searched in Google but nothing better than sound about couldn't find.
I was wondering if this is manufacturers fault or there is a solution for this issue.
your thoughts would be appreciated

With the last update 34.2.A.0.311 the problem with Bluetooth of the car is solved, but the connection with Bluetooth of my Sony SmartWatch 3 don't work!
I hope it will be only a temporary problem and it will be solved with an update of the firmware of the SmartWatch.

After the last update 34.2.A.0.311 my smartwatch 3 has become unusable!
I reset it thousands of times perfectly following the procedure, but the bluetooth only detects the initial paring, after no longer connects.
Every so often seems to work again, but the next day will stop again indefinitely.

Some information that can help me?


impressive, how they are just not able to get this right !

and I thought bluetooth connectivity was something that has been solved years ago.

maybe they should have a look at the bluetooth beginners tutorials.

btw asus zenwatch 3 and pebble time no longer working since 34.2.A.0.311

and the only time they worked for me was after the update to Android 7

installing sony's updates can not be recommended as they do not seem to test them.

it's a pity, because the X compact is a very good phone ... can't wait for LineageOS to pick it up


I'm having issues similar to others. My Nissan Connect system cannot control the music. The phone connects OK and I can use the phone functionality fine, but the song name doesn't appear and it won't skip songs etc.

All my other phones have worked fine including my partners iphone 7. So annoying.

Hi everybody,
I'm "happy" to see that I'm not alone to be disappointed about Nougat...
For me, the bluetooth works in my car, but I lose every commands (prev, next, pause, etc...) and on the car screen, nothing is reported except "bluetooth" (no music informations). That's the same with the phone, the contact list still empty.
Like lot of users here, everything was working great before Nougat.
So, it would be appreciable that Google could read our comments and find a issue.
By the way, I heared about a discount on iPhones... no, I'm kidding 🙂