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Bluetooth prolem after Nougat update


Bluetooth prolem after Nougat update

Hey, i got the Nougat update today and after updating my heart rate monitor device stopped working. It was working perfectly before and i have tested it on another smartphone, and it works on that, so the problem must have come from the new updated Android 7.0.

With bluetooth scanner i can detect the heart rate monitor, and the app that i use also sees it, but it just cannot connect to it, i have tried clearing cache, rebooting phone several times and also re-installed the app and also tried several other apps, it doesnt work on any of them, but works on a iphone, with same app.


Are you sure, your h7 is really on? Does some other device connect to it? Our h7 battery gets empty within 10 days of wearing. Phone should at least see it before you try to pair. And I restarted into safe mode several times after update. Anyway, still can't receive any files through bt.

Yes it is on and no, no other device is connected. I tried it with my old Xperia Z1 compact and it was connected within 3 seconds and showed HR after another 3 seconds - Battery full.

I disabled bluetooth on the Z1 compact, removed the H7 core from the belt, waited a few minutes and tried again with the Xperia X in safe mode. I saw the H7 in the bluetooth listing, but wasn't able to connect. Also removing the H7 battery for 15 minutes did not help.

Off-Topic: When you say your H7 battery gets empty within 10 days of wearing, do you mean you wear it all the time? Because when I'm using mine after changing the battery, I can go running 2-3 times a week (30-45 minute per run) and still after half a year I do not need to change battery.



I'm sorry to hear it didn't work for you. Actually I tried to connect just now and it connected to Beat after. I turned phones BT off/on couple of times. After that Beat says found sensor and paired.
H7 got empty within 10 days when wested 24/7. Had no clue how to use it, so just followed Hr on Polar Loop2. Now wearing only for training and battery keeps full.

Hello, I'm also having issues with my Mazda 3's infotainment system's Bluetooth.

The phone will connect but my Mazda's audio player will only show play / pause button (no previous and next button) and it will eventually disconnect in 30 seconds to 1 minute's time.

I don't know if it's because of nougat update, since I've bought the phone and updated it right away, but this is the first phone having issues with my car (after numerous phones - a Samsung S6, a couple Xiaomi's, a Honor 7 and a Lumia 930).

thanks for the help

I've the same problem with my Parrot.
The Bluetooth of Xperia X don't recognize automatically the system after turning off and on the Bluetooth, or the phone.
I've to connect the Bluetooth manually for the first time, after it works, but if I turn off and on the Bluetooth again, the problem restart!

I now updated my phone to 34.2.A.0.292, but Bluetooth problem still exists.

At least, Google is aware of the problem and trying to fix it for the Nexus in a future build, hope this will also come to sony devices:

I guess the BT car problem is somehow connected with the general connecting issues.

Let's hope for the best.


I also recived the new update today, tried my HR-belt again, but its still not working. Belt is still functioning properly on Iphone and friends older Android smartphone without Nougat though.


Same here. Got the latest update, still can't connect my polar H7.

Can anybody from the Sony support team kindly give any comment about this?


 For me Xperia X can pair with H7 and show heartrate just fine. It couldn't until I restarted phone few times to safe mode and paired it with H7 in safe mode. After that there is no problems at all. But I still can't send anything via BT to Xperia X. Really strange issues, I'm sure I'm not updating my Z5 Compact to Nougat until issues resolved.



I'm using Xperia X + Car Media System (Toyota Touch 2). Phone is successfuly paired to the media sistem. Now, every average 2-3 times when I start the car it won't automaticly connect. After trying manualy establish connection, I've got a message that connection could not be established. Then I put phone into Airplane mode for cca 10 sec and after that it wotks again. Also randomly, when phone is connected I always get mirroring my phone book to Car Media, but very rare times SMS list and Recent Call list. When I want to explore my SMS or Call list, I got the message from Car Media, 'Phone denied access to SMS or Call list, Please configure your phone'. I've got all profiles enabled for my Car Media Bluetooth profile...Music, Calls, SMS forvarding, Phone book. Any advices how to solve this issue. It drives me nuts. Also tryed to unpair & pair again, but does not help!

The last thing I can do is to reset network settings, or wipe & restore phone, but I deeply doubt, that it would help.

Thanks, P.