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Hallo, leider funktioniert der Wecker nicht mehr zuverlässig. Immer wieder lässt er verschiedene Weckzeiten unregelmäßig ausfallen. Bitte dringend um Hilfe!
MfG Thomas Oesterlein
Hello, unfortunately, the alarm clock does not work reliably. Again and again he makes different alarm times irregular. Please urgently for help!
MfG Thomas Oesterlein
The bug is known and will be repaired. (found this in another post lately)
Set diffent alarms shortly after each other (2 maybe 3, I don't know, just try)
Nice to know I'm not the only person with this problem. I've been late for work twice this week.
Is this being fixed? I had it happen randomly a couple of times over the past few months. I thought I was half asleep and turning my alarm off. I know now that wasn't the case.
Is it just time for a new phone?