Podziel się wrażeniami!
Hello everyone,
Really hoping you guys can help please?
I am really keen to buy the New Xperia Z I was going to buy one of the ASUS transformer pads,but I think SONY have come up with a first class product (Hope so)?
One thing i would like to do is use the Xperia as my music server i have a lot of top quality Music files ~ 24/96 Quality.and I would like to know if it is possible to add an outboard DAC/AMP to enhance further the sound quality of the Tablet z?
I tried to find the answers on online Computer music Forums!! but it is hard work trying to get a straight answer especially if you are not very technical like me!
so any help/advice appreciated
Reagrds Steve:smileythumbsup:
Message was edited by: sm32man
Message was edited by: sm32man
Rozwiązane! Idź do rozwiązania.
Yes you can 😃
The Xperia Z & Tablet Z (just like S) has USB audio out 😃 that you can use to connect to an external DAC