Wh-1000XM5 volume issues


Wh-1000XM5 volume issues

I am not sure if there is something wrong with the volume of my XM5s. 

When the volume slider is at 100% on the connect app and the phone volume is at full I still don't feel like they are as loud as they should be.  Don't get me wrong,  the reading is 90dB, and I wouldn't listen to them for any length of time at that volume, but just feel they aren't as loud as they should be.  I have disabled all safety features on my Samsung and also disabled absolute volume.  I've also noticed that the slider position between 80% and 100% doesn't seem to make very much difference.  Just seems to stick around 90dB. Could someone test theirs by telling me what sound reading they get with music at 100% and if it changes significantly if dropped to 90%


On the ipad they are even quieter. 


Are my phones faulty or is this normal? 

Not applicable

@Ssmith999 , Did you try to test it with different devices and see if you still have the same issue with the volume with all of them?