Another PCVRZ322 query or 2!


Another PCVRZ322 query or 2!

1. I've noticed that the manuals on the recovery CD can only be read on the top drive, ie. the DVD-RW/CD-RW drive.

If I place it in the bottom drive, it fires up, and I can perform a recovery and installation, but clicking on 'Go' for reading the manuals results in nothing happening.

2. I decided to do a system recovery after contracting 2 viruses within minutes of firing up my Vaio for the first time (unlucky or what) after ridding my system using a Symantec download. When I installed the Sony software, right at the end of the process I received this message:

C:\Program Files\Sony giga pocked\sgppq.tqi is not exist

and I had to click on 'OK' to get rid of it. ( The 'is' is deliberate, it did not say 'was'!) Giga Pocket seems to work fine, but has anyone else had this message after doing a reinstall, and what does it mean?

These may be normal, if anyone out there with an RZ322 can confirm this (or not!) I'd be grateful.

Thanks again all for helping to educate a computer numpty!