KDF-E50A11E (Projection TV)


KDF-E50A11E (Projection TV)


It happened following. I'd used the lamp ca. 5000 hours and decided to replace it. Ordered genuine Sony XL-2400 lamp with housing. Disconnect the power core and replaced the lamp.

Then when turn the TV on, first green 5x, then green + 2 x red blinks of stand-by led continuously. Won't start.

Checked lamp again (take-out, re-install), no help

Returned the old lamp in place, same problem

Any other advice than contact service?




Problem solved and case closed.

I called service shop and they adviced that "2 red blinks" means "lamp not in place" i.e. there is a microswitch in bottom right corner of crystal unit and lamp housing operates the switch.

My case the problem was that the switch did not turn on although I installed lamp many times. Finally I opened the back plate of the TV, then took out a aluminium plate from the center and found the switch. I measured the switch circuit w/o lamp and impedance was kilo-ohms. Then put the lamp in place and measured again.  I think I pushed the circuit board while measuring and suddenly the circuit was closed. TV started up normally.

The board with switch is a tiny one, size of stamp. If it is broken, spare part cost ca. 50eur and 2 hours work at service shop (requires much more parts to be taken out before can access to the fixing screw).

I hope this helps someone with problems after replacing the lamp.

The TV screen is now much brighter with new lamp.