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Xperia SP 4.3 update availability


Xperia SP 4.3 update availability

Here I will post the 4.3 update availability in several countries and the bugs found by each of you.As soon as the update is available in your country,please give feedback.Thank you!

The device is: Xperia SP


Country Date Carrier
 Belgium  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Poland  12.02.2014  unbranded,Polkomtel
 Romania  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Sri Lanka  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Australia  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Serbia  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Czech Republic  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Germany  12.02.2014  unbranded,O2
 Pakistan  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Brazil  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Croatia  12.02.2014  unbranded,Tele2
 India  12.02.2014  unbranded,Vodafone
 Greece  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Iran  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Estonia  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Bulgaria  12.02.2014  unbranded,Mtel
 Philippines  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Hungary  12.02.2014  unbranded,Telenor,Vodafone
 Italy  12.02.2014  unbranded,TIM
 UK  12.02.2014  Vodafone,O2
 Turkey  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Egypt  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Switzerland  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Malaysia  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Bosnia&Herzegovina  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Indonesia  12.02.2014  unbranded
 Azerbaijan  13.02.2014  unbranded
 Spain  13.02.2014  Vodafone
 Singapore  13.02.2014  unbranded,Singtel
 Lebanon  13.02.2014  unbranded
 Netherlands  13.02.2014  unbranded
 New Zealand  14.02.2014  unbranded
 Serbia  14.02.2014  VIP Mobile
 Russia  18.02.2014  unbranded
 France  18.02.2014  unbranded
 Slovakia  19.02.2014  unbranded
 Canada  26.02.2014  Virgin

Xperia SP discussion topic

760 REPLIES 760

Hey guys, i was wondering, maybe someone of you know when i will be able to update my sp from 4.1.2 to 4.3 jelly bean? Im from Lithuania.

Emkatokas you will be able to update it when Sony release the update should be some time this month as promised but I wouldn't hold your breath as the update was supposed to be released at the end of last year up until this point so if we get it by this Christmas I would say we are lucky pmsl this hole thing as been a joke from the start

Does anybody know if the roll out of the New firmware of 4.3 has hit any sp devises yet?

A 3 network, UK user.

Can anyone explain why on earth we should upgrade from 4.1 to 4.3, when SO MANY on this forum have sever issues and bugs with version 4.3!!

I have 2 things to say: One is this upgrade and the other is, not getting 4G on 3's network, like they said i would.

Take my SP: C5303 bought from buymobiles.com (part of a setup of a few low-cost direct sales firms in the UK).

It came with a 3 'one plan' contract including 4G...but I have never been able to get 4G. 3 blame sony and sony blame buymobiles, who in turn blame 3!

One month ago, i met a Sony tech in a 3 store. He looked into the problem, and said, 'just wait 2 more weeks, 3 will send your phone a signal to receive 4G'. That was a month ago. Still Nothing.

When i phone Sony tech, all i got was 'Take it to the 3 shop', as he couldnt explain why i didnt have 4G option on my mobi.

Yesterday 3 tech guys say i need to upgrade to 4.3 but they dont know how to get it?? Sony PC Companion says i have the latest version at 4.1.2 and my phone is up to date. Also, Mobile Settings-About Mobile-Update Software- says I have the latest version too. All wrong. I have 4.1.2 and 12.0A.2.254.

Most interestingly, I read on this site ChrisG's comments that IF YOU TAKE THE 3 SIM CARD OUT, you get a 4G option in the Netwrok Mode. Great. That's true. But put the 3 Sim back in and it disapears! No 4G option, only WCDMA/GSM!

The 3 tech guys even made me backup on Sony PC Companion then RESET my phone back to factory settings, so when i turned it on 4G would be there. nope. That failed and i couldnt restore some of me data from Companion. Most annoying that software doesnt work properly either.

So with all the glitches and bugs in 4.3, who wants this update really? Why not just waot for 4.4 whenever that is due. And how can i overcome this 3 Sim problem, quickly and easily? For reference ive been waiting and paying for 4G for over 6 monthe now without the service.

Tell you what, when my contract is up, i am deffo leaving sony and 3, both have lied to me and i have received poor service.


There has been a resent update to the 4.3 supposedly fixing all bug issue's with the previous 4.3 update and we may never get 4.4 and if we do it won't be this year that's for sure I can't help you with your 4 g problems I'm afraid but I would say it was down to

^ 3

Just finished a lovely chat on the Sony live chat if we ever see the update that would be a surprise no help what so ever no indication no point f@#k you Sony you have crossed the line you are in dangerous water mid range device market is a big one unbranded should have been the first as its coming direct from you no delays with networks putting there two pence worth in I'm done

Its 08/06/14 and i still havent received any form of update from Sony. 

My Xperia SP is running 4.1.2.

I've plugged it into companion and SUS and nothing! It's becoming a bit of a joke really. No support or care for any of their customers unless you have bought a Z1,Z2 etc. 

Can anyone give me ANY information regarding the update (even to 4.3) 

Unbranded, Unlocked, UK, 


You dont want to update to 4.3 !!! Its full of bugs !


It is not though, The screen sometimes doesnt activate. 

Walkman always force closes (especially linked with my external SD card) 

switching between home screens often delays and the app icons have to load. 

There are many more.

The main reason i want the update is to get apps like Dash clock that arent supported in the 4.1.2 

Though i may try to unlock the bootloader and flash CM11 anyway