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AT&T 3G Service on Arc S LT18a?

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AT&T 3G Service on Arc S LT18a?

Hi recently I got my Arc S and I set up the data, but I'm only getting Edge services. My LT18a model band suppose to be compatable with AT&T 3G data. Is there any special way for me to set up to avoid getting Edge? I'm in the city so I shouldn't be getting edge.


it depends on the area and the time of the day too Dizzy_Face

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i have the very same probem, sim is from iphone 4,and i was using it with arc s for several months with H, and i had to restore the system yesterday and since then its only E Slightly_frowning_Face how did you solve, did you get a new sim?

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Did you find the solution? I just got my arc s lt18a and its getting only Edge. I upgraded to Android ICS, I m not sure if could get 3G without the upgrade.. ATT hass 4G covergae in this area, so it should be getting 3G..