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vTuner Offline on Some Devices [Nov 2014]


vTuner Offline on Some Devices [Nov 2014]

Hi all,


It looks as though vTuner is now off-line again on some devices. My own STR-DN1040 Receiver remains unaffected at this time however my BDP-S7200 Blu-ray is displaying the following message:


“This service cannot be accessed at this time because the server replied with incorrect or invalid information”.


Please report any other affected devices here for simplicity of colaborating the information, kindly do not start a new thread.


Thanks in advance!

The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14
455 REPLIES 455

Well the last email reply I had from Sony about a week ago basically said that the suspension is temporary, and that they will inform me when the v tuner service is resumed, which I might add I am taking with a pinch of salt!


If the service is terminated, I am sure there are legal roads we could take, as the products are advertised as including  v tuner as one of the listed features, so surly this comes under "not fit for purpose" and possibly false advertising...class action anyone.


I intend to pursue this with trading standards for starters, if the service is not resumed, suffice to say that Sony have blown it with me, and I will not be purchasing any more of their products, and I will be advising friends and family to avoid.


I have recently bought a new top range 55" UHD TV .......from Samsung! so Sony this is what happens when you treat your customers the way you do!


Hi ribrigg29,

I have bought a similar TV - from Samsung, also a tablet - from samsung.
Everything is talking to everything else, and I have the vTuner app on the
tv - so I can still get Black Coffee station.

The way Sony have approached this problem is disgraceful. Some people were
without vtuner for a lot longer than I last time. To be honest, I never
thought about trading standards, but that sounds a fantastic way forward.
Are you in the UK? The vtuner was the reason I bought this device.

All the very best


Some days ago, when I pressed "Music Services" on my remote, NOTHING was there. Today, the usual Presets and vTuner menu items are again displayed (am I dreaming?) but of course it's "Not available". The fact that there was simply nothing the other day makes me think that SONY is completely shutting vTuner off (or the other way around). At any rate, I hope to see some firmware update to REPLACE vTuner. Also for me, vTuner (and AirPlay) were THE arguments to purchase my "Internet" radio (CMT-G2NiP).


Having the same problem. TV UNDER was also the main reason for my
purchase. I hate inconsistency from a supplier of any service or product.
Leads me to think that money/payment of some kind is at the bottom of it.
My new TV is Samsung. I am advising all my contacts to go the same way.

June 2015 and been gone AGAIN for a month. Shameful service


June 2015 and it's been gone again for a month


Just wanted to weigh in with my thoughts on the whole lack of Internet services for an Internet capable device. Here is a copy of the message I just sent to Sony, I will post any replies I get here! I've owned this model since December 2013 and suffered through the vTuner outage towards the end of 2014 just one year into ownership. I'm now in the midst of suffering the same issue with a device that I specifically bought for it's ability to stream from the Internet. Yes I have other devices that can do that but had I wanted to use them for this I could of bought the lower spec CMT-G2NiP. What many of the forum members on the Internet are not discussing is the double whammy of losing the Music Unlimited services as well! It strikes me that the simplest solution would be to make the Playstation Music service available for those customers of yours with an Internet capable device, thereby solving half the problem and possibly placating many of your supporters. I've been a lifelong Sony customer (since the original Walkman days) and normally won't consider buying anything else and hope that does't have to change. If there isn't going to be a firmware/software solution then I would consider a trade in against a newer hifi solution such as the SRS-X9, although I then lose the flexibility of DAB and CD etc. A conundrum for you no doubt, I do hope someone takes the time to read this message fully and that I don't receive a stock reply as my intention is only two get what I paid for or a suitable alternative. I look forward to hearing your reply.

Nothing but issues with Vtuner on my NAS-SV20i, when are Sony going to resolve this issue.

CMT-SBT300WB owner here and never had vtuner work just says service not available,also cant update fw (probably no new fw anyway as sony product support sucks) hifi just says please wait then goes to auto standby cant update fw via usb as no option on sony support page for my hifi wish i had never paid £300 for a sony hifi now


also why not give us another internat radio app there must be a few out there like tunin they can give us


Given that I started this post almost 9 MONTHS AGO after having already experienced several service interruptions previously I think Sony's attitude towards solving this issue has been nothing short of shameful!!!! Although I no longer use vTuner (LOL.., as if I even could) I appreciate that many customers here still miss this service terribly. The problem here is that Sony don't have any input in these forums and so as a customer most of us feel (understandably) like nothing is being done to solve the issue. For those of you that do know already, issues such as these do sometimes get passed on to a higher level by the 'experts' but even so Sony's response has been somewhat half baked with the occasional release of a news alert and a pathetic apology. Surely Sony customers deserve better than this?! Although I think it rather an extreme statement to make that I would never buy a Sony product again I certainly understand why people say this now and then, even I've reviewed my own personal stance on this lately and I would certainly take these issues into account when making any future purchases. If a product or service ceases to function in the way it was designed to do so it's not unreasonable to expect the manufacturer to put things right again. Is it...?


The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14