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RDR-HXD870 stuck in UPDATE mode


RDR-HXD870 stuck in UPDATE mode

My RDR HXD870 updates about 4 x per day which is normally fine but now it locks in to update which completely freezes the machine .  When this happens the only way to release it is to hold in the power button for 7secs. I have tried a hard reset and a firmware update...both failed to cure it. Any ideas anyone please.

149 REPLIES 149

Don't be fooled into thinking Expert has posted a solution to the problems that started on 19th July.  The solution only relates to being stuck in UPDATE mode (and was posted in April) and will still leave you with no digital channels.


Sory still need to address the problem they have caused so many people - I wonder what the people who have bought new machines will do with their old Sony ones?


not true at all, setting the location to FRANCE fixes the digital freeview channels too


all you lose is the epg and epg updates



did you have to unplug when it got stuck during firmware update - I'm stuck there now and worried it might ruin the disk if I do?



I havent done any firmware updates but I do not think you will ruin the disk when you unplug, you may find the update has taken, you may find it hasnt, but the update wont fix your problem anyway, not until sony issue new fixes for all the pioneer based machines, and that hasnt happened yet. the france solution should work using any firmware

Although you need to to not turn the player off as you loose the channels again which means can only record one programme at a time as turns off once finished recording. Definitely need Sony to come through with permanent solution ASAP. Acknowledgement would at least go some way posted response from them so far clearly saying nothing so worthless

Exactly the same happened to mine as I was trying to do the update - you're safe to unplug it, then restart it and change your settings to France. You lose the EPG but you can watch TV and change it back to get the EPG back once Sony sort their act out :slight_smile:

Same problem as everyone else, stuck on update when looked at it this morning:smileysad:. Thought the recorder was destined for the skip.

Tried updating the firmware as suggested on other sites, managed to finaly get it on to disc, having to use an old xp machine though as windows 7 wouldnt write it correctly. Thought yes, this should do it then got stuck on downloading-5.

Finaly got it back up and running by unplugging from the wall then doing the France fix. No epg but at least its sort of working.

Come on Sony, get it sorted and at the very least let people know whats gone wrong...




Ironically I've been considering replacing with self build HTPC set up as I was concerned about being locked into equipment I can't upgrade without completely replacing and having all my recordings stuck on the HDD and locked in there!

Now I realise I'm right!:smileyshocked:

Just sent an email to the BBC hopefully that they may pick this up and advise owners that there is a problem. Like (seemingly ) 1,000's of others I am also cream crackered. Bombard not just Sony but BBC, ITV and newspapers to warn others not to scrap their devices.


This France fudge is not a very practical solution if you lose the channels when you power off...considering the box needs to go to stand-by to do a timer recording.