Sony KD-55AF9 4K DTS eARC no sound


Sony KD-55AF9 4K DTS eARC no sound

I am trying to play 4K 2160p video with DTS 7.1 audio from SSD connected to the TV USB using the stock Media Player, audio sent to Marantz amp using eARC.

- No problem with video playback

- Audio starts playing, Marantz show DTS, but after few seconds sound starts to drop out, and then stops, no more sound comes out.

- Tried pause, play, rewind, forward, quit media player and open, change all kind of audio settings, reset audio settings, nothing works, I only get sometimes stereo output when choosing PCM output (other options are Auto1, Auto2)

- Only when I restart the TV, it works for few seconds, then stops again.

- I tried different HDMI cables, some did not pass any audio, others had same problem

-  Tried playing using Kodi, getting different problems, it used to have same DTS problem then stops, today it outputs normal dolby sound from DTS track, and I do not understand how this happens, and when pause or skipp, it gets out of sync, 


I suspect it could be the HDMI cables, I will purchase an Ultra 8K cable and try, but I am not that optimistic.


Any ideas?


Have you read through all the features for eARC on your TV? Which is the source of your lossless audio ?

After reading the answers and experimenting, I got me an Nvidia Shield and it solved everything, all videos worked simply and output was DTS HD HQ, 

I confirm the following

- Sony KD-55AF9 cannot play reliably DTS audio

- Nvidia Shield connected to Marantz amp, produced DTS with no issues on MX Player, and Kodi

- Nvidia Shield connected to Sony TV, again worked properly and the TV passed DTS to the amp, and I got DTS output too  from both video players

- Kodi on Nvidia Shieldhad no issues with lip sync, video and audio are in sync so far, 

- Advantage to connecting Nvidia to TV immediately is that TV remote controls Nvidia without the need to use Nvidia remote, and the box can be in hidden place too, no need for infrared connection.