Sony KD-49X9005F TV IR remote issue

Sony KD-49X9005F TV IR remote issue

Hi All,


Currently i am experiencing one issue with Sony TV remote which will not work, if the battery goes below 63%.

The Sony battery comes along with the TV remote last only 3 hours and have used only for changing the Netflix channels and watching YouTube.

The remote started working after replacing the batteries (Done as per the Sony support help page) and i didn't take this seriously for the first time.

The issue occurred again after 1 month and i checked this with Sony support desk. They suggested to record and share the video of non-working remote to understand this issue.

After one week i received a new remote and which is also having the same issue and as per Sony support the remote wont work if the battery level is low.

In my case the battery is above 50% (You can see the battery level is 63% under the Bluetooth remote settings option) and still the remote is not working.

Please let me know if you have come across this kind of issues while testing this TV's or suggest any solution to fix this issue as replacing the batteries evey week is not a possible solution.


Troubleshooting steps which i have done till now are below.

1. Factory reset the Sony TV
2. Soft reset the Sony TV remote
3. Updated the Sony TV firmware to the latest version (Android 8 with Nov patches)
4. Replaced the old batteries (which will fix the issue and occurs again if the battery goes below 63%)
5. Replaced the Sony TV remote.


The problem then is the IR receiver or the Motherboard, contact a Service.


Hi @jobmathew88  and welcome to the Community :slight_smile:


I assume you're TV is still in warranty and as you've already had

some contact with Sony Support, I would contact them again first

before trying to find a repair centre :wink:


You probably have them already, but Here are the details just in case.

Let us know what they say.





63% of 1.52, the voltage of a new battery, is 0.95 volts.


The decline of alkaline batteries is non-linear, so they spend a long time near 1.4 - 1.5, and I generally find that things that rely on them stop working reliably when the voltage drops below 1.2v.


i.e. 63% of voltage remaining does not mean that it has only had 37% of its life; it has probably had 100% of its life, and it’s quite amazing to me that it kept going at all below 80%.


So your issue is actually one of excess battery drain; I saw this once, unpacking a new Sony TV, but that was so excessive the remote became too hot to touch; I had to put gloves on and pull the batteries quickly, lest it melt or catch fire.


But a replacement was fine; it’s odd you have the same issue with a second remote.


What sort of batteries, of what age, are you using?


Can you look at the transmitting end of the remote through your phone camera, which makes the beam visible, and see if it is perhaps transmitting all the time, instead of just when you press buttons?

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