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Are the same camera provide by Sony to Xz1 and Xzs. Or there is something change between them. Also if there is any change then which one the best in camera segments
Is the picture quality is ok?
Same sensor - IMX 400 but different software/firmware/Android background behind. Maybe later would be the same when XZs Oreo update became reallity.
I eilw neber buy any sony handset's really shocking for me.. Previously i bought xzs and i loved the front and back camera but i sols that one for buying xz1 forfbettbe perfperform.
But i am really disappointed as the xz1 camera qqualit is poor than xzs...
Any way to improve Xz1 camerc quality ??
Advanced thanks for yours help.
Don't create duplicate posts, this post is enough, I don't have the XZs but I can compare the XZ and XZ Premium with the XZ1 and there's a huge difference, could you provide some photos of both ? if possible upload them to box, drive, dropbox on full res and post the public link here
This guide might be useful >>> Xperia Tutorial Photography
Sony photo tutorial doesn't work with Sony XZ1, because Sony camera software has many issues. It uses agressive noise reduction which hide all details and make bad quality blurred photos. HDR is bad, etc.
I think Sony should think on this problem how to make their camera better in the current XZ1 / XZ1 Compact, because I am pretty sure further Sony smartphones sales depend of that. For instance, if there will be no fixes, I will choose another brand ... because for me the smartphone camera is very important part. I trusted Sony's advertising where they said that in XZ1 they use an excellent camera, ..... but .... I see now the camera is not good
In this tututori i found UI 2 IN camera apps, but in my camera settiset i didn't find the ui2