Hi Support😉, i have some problem with XZ1.
1. Display adaptive brightness, totally flash, when light around its low...
2. Smartlock: sometimes it just does not appear, just a blank page.
3. Where is function smart call?? I can not find it anywhere.
4. When i change size of content in display settings, why changed grid of xperia home?
5. Smart connect app: don't play music when i plugged headphones, while I have set the music to be played...
6. When click on a tile battery on quick
7. Where is double tap to sleep/wake?
settings, the status bar disappears
And next small problems: low WiFi signal, long switching LTE.
Thank for answers😉😊
And I would like to know if these bugs will in future be fixed, big thanks😊
Firmware 47.1.A.12.34