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I jump in my car, turn it on and it begins connecting to my phone via Bluetooth. After being connected for a few seconds my phone restarts itself. Once restarted I then have to unlock my phone before it will recognise my contacts.
Occasionally, if I unlock my phone as it tries to pair I don't get this, but that doesn't always work.
Any ideas? Anyone had a similar problem?
Yes mine has done something similar a few times, connects OK and stays connected, but afterwards it does restart, although it doesn't ask for my sim pin just the phone pin.
I have a similar problem. The phone restarts when connecting to the car, or sometimes when connecting to a headset. I've also had the Phone App stopping, and also bluetooth switching in and out. Almost unusable. Support recommended trying Safe Mode which hasn't addressed the problem. Any other ideas welcome.
I have the same problem -
Even though sometimes the phone does connect to be able to receive and send calls, multimedia does not work at all. When I connect to my car to play music, either no music comes out of the car system, or the phone reports bluetooth has crashed, or the phone reboots!
I have same sort of issue, only does it from time to time. So get the feeling its bugs being on Android 8.
Happened with my phone for the first time this morning. Looking forward to this being a regular thing.
The store didn’t believe me so exchanged for a brand new device ... which has exactly the same problem. Any update appreciated. I will be sad but may be going back to Samsung soon.
Some Problem here... Think about to Switch from Sony the e. g. Huawei cause i almost hate my new xz1 compact
Yep, exactly the same issue.
Phone connects to the car BT and restarts.