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Numerous faults with software


Numerous faults with software

I am getting fed up with my XZ1, it just doesn't work well. Currently I have the following faults:

Calendar fails to give an alarm for events. I've just missed an appointment, there was no alarm. Opened the app, and that's when it decided to let me know I was 10 minutes late...

Standard alarm clock still doesn't work. I have to use a third party app.

Android Auto has stopped working correctly. Voice control tells me 'OK, bit first you need to disconnect Android Auto and accept the notification'. There is NO notification!

This phone is potentially good, but the software is horrible. Browsing websites is still horrible: it jumps to every link when you're trying to scroll down the page. 

It all feels very 'beta'.


I suggest you perform software repair using Xperia Companion

do not install any third party app yet.

now use and observe your device for problems.

list them down here , with how can it be reproduced