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After a previous update early February 18, now my Xperia xz premium gets disconnected intermittently both wifi and mobile data. Version 47.1.A.12.75. All my other devices work perfectly over WiFi. Did all troubleshooting,software repair, reset, no changes.. Please let me know if anybody experiencing the same issues. Thanks
I have exactly the same issue. Wifi or celular data, stop working after a while. I have to reconnect for it to work. Same update as original post.
A mí me pasa algo similar. Solo tengo problemas con mi conexión WiFi, los datos funcionan correctamente.
Otros dispositivos se conectan de manera correcta al WiFi y mi Xperia XZ PREMIUM se conecta supuestamente de manera "normal" pero no es así, no cargan las páginas, juegos, twitter, Facebook, etc. Utilizo la aplicación de soporte de Sony instalada en el dispositivo y sale error de prueba. Alguien tiene alguna solución?
Something similar happens to me. I only have problems with my WiFi connection, the data works correctly.
Other devices connect correctly to Wi-Fi and my Xperia XZ PREMIUM supposedly connects in a "normal" way but it is not, they do not load the pages, games, twitter, Facebook, etc. I use the Sony support application installed on the device and test error comes out. Does anyone have a solution?