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10 days ago I put my XPeria Z3 down on a hard table and the front screen cracked and stopped responding. I sent it off to Sony to be fixed and despite being in warrenty I was dissappointed to have to pay the grand sum of £155.99 to have my phone 'Fully Refurbished'.
Having received it back today, the invoice states that the screen and earpiece were replaced following a 'full refurbishment'. The screen is fixed, however the volume in the top speaker distorts to a really bad crackling sound when just over half way. I tried an OS restore but have the same issue. The volume works fine through accessories i.e. Bluetooth speaker.
I have been advised that to fix this I will have to send my phone off again to Sony, despite them either causing the problem or not testing the device properly to fix the problem. This would mean I again have to pay £12.31 shipping, £24.17 handling and about £6.00 just to send the phone off via Special Delivery.
If I do this, I will have paid the total sum of £198.47 (two thirds of the current phone price) and this is before Sony tell me whether they will fix it under my standard warrenty or whether I have to pay them a further fee to have this fixed.
The Sony advisor ackowledged that they should've tested the phone before returning it to me. It seem to me like a massive scam. Should I seek legal advice?
Sorry to hear that, but you have to contact your local Xperia Care regarding this issue.
That's the point... I did contact them and they wish to start a new repair process. I cant afford this after paying a huge fee for an inadequate first repair.
I'm very sorry to hear that you still have issues with your phone.
From what you're describing the phone needs to be sent in again for repairs. Not sure how the phone could return from server with an issue like this.
I recommend that you contact your local support team again to see if they can assist you with shipping but i believe shipping is covered when you order a service under My Support on
The reason you had to pay for shipping the first time was because is was not a warranty case.