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When i was doing an update with pc compagnion the update crashed.
After this event my xperia Z doesn't boot anymore.
The only thing i get is a red flashing light.
My pc doesn't see the internal memory anymore
I can do a complete recovery but their is data on the phone that has personal value to me.
Is their an ohter way to recover or get my data back?
No,sorry to tell you. If the device doesn't boot up,you cannot. But you could try to stop by a sony service and see what they can do.
Thanx for your quick response.
I will stop by sony service and see what they can do.
@hennyprei there is one way but is not official and that is to manually flash your device but unticking a few boxes which say to wipe the device meaning data will be left intact
See here for details but please take note of the image when selecting the firmware to flash - In the top right corner you need to untick the 3 boxes
I do want to know if that will work. It will be something to suggest people from now on.
It does work - I've done it to friends phones and my own