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I updated my Xperia Z with the last update: 2.4.4
After this operation, my xperia Z, can't install APK, the "Install" button doesn't work!!
Android versione 4.2.2.
Build xxx. 2.4.4.
Using File Commander
Help me please ...
Thank u, Diego
You've probably installed a screen related app like Screen Filter or Auto Brightness. Uninstall and then check whether it's fixed or not.
keep in mind that this isn't a warez forum
Warez refers primarily to copyrighted works distributed without fees or royalties, and may be traded, in general violation of copyright law. The term generally refers to unauthorized releases by organized groups, as opposed tofile sharing between friends or large groups of people with similar interest using a darknet. It usually does not refer to commercial software counterfeiting. This term was initially coined by members of the various computer underground circles, but has since become commonplace amongInternet users and the mass media.
Unistalled "Animal Battery" for Xperia.
Thanks, D.
I'm sorry, but did you even bother to read the OP's post?
Had exactly the same problem. I had animal battery installed and the install button would never work.
Thank you soo much.