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XPERIA L C2104 Front VGA Camera Problem


XPERIA L C2104 Front VGA Camera Problem

i boughtt Xperia L 5 days back...and yesterday while making skypee call i obseved that video is like  black and white...i.e brightness is too there any fix for this prob....and am having .17  update.....


I just bought song Xperia L a few days ago. Everything works fine for me and I love the phone. However, the front camera is too dark. It's the worst front camera that I have ever had among all my old phones that I had before. Do u have any ways to improve it? I always use the front camera so I would like the problem to be settled ASAP. Tq

I think there's very little that sony can do to improve the front camera quality. it seems like They have used a poor quality vga lens. The most they can do is to improve the colour reproduction like they did with the .26 firmware, but as far as improving photo details are concerned ( from front camera), they won't be able to do much.. Slightly_frowning_Face


Just got this phone. However, I'm unsure if the front facing camera is working properly. All the pics I have taken appear blurred and unfocused. Is the camera, or am I doing something wrong.

you aren't doing anything wrong as this phone has got very bad front camera that I haven't seen in my life.even 3000 rupees Chinese phone will capture good image than xperia L

Yeah. I thought so !!!!!! The retailer from whom I bought it said I could return it for a full refund, despite having used it. Was going to have a look at a Galaxy S3 mini as its for my teenage son's Xmas. I have a full sized Galaxy S3 and it takes fab pics, front and back. However, my son wants to keep the Xperia L as he thinks it looks cool. Apparently he isn't too bothered about the front facing camera. It's just it cost £200. You would really expect better. Especially from Sony!! Thanks for your reply.

Xperia M Front camera is better than Xperia L Front Camera. Expressionless_Face

But i'm satisfied with rear camera of XL.

Tags (1)

After the recent update 15.3.A.0.26 camera is not working as before the update.

whenever the picture has to be taken with flash the picture is totally seems that flash has no use during the capturing process.Flash does not have any rythm while capturing the pictures with camera.please try to fix this problem while releasing the new update.

THANK YOU............................................................................


we want the pics to be taken like we have seen in its older brother xperia arc s( in day and especially at night). it also have 8 mp camera.
oh common sony you use xmore r for this clearity

Hi, I am also facing the same issue after recent update camera flash has no synchronisation with image capture.
Camera flashes before capturing the image. After pressing camera button it takes to more than 5 sec to capture it. Please fix it as soon as possible.

hi i just want to ask if the front camera of the xperia l is really dark and blurred?please answer thank you