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Unfortunately Exchange Service Stopped


Unfortunately Exchange Service Stopped

Since a couple of days my new Xperia Z2 shows the message "unfortunately Exchange Service Stopped" - i can just confirm OK. After some time the message pops up again.
Have found the issue in other forum from 2013, but could not find root cause or fix.
Cleared the cache of both Email and Exchange app, does not help. Delete Data is diabled in settings/app/....
Believe I run the latest version of OS (4.4.2 v 17.1.1A.0.402)
Application crashes:191 x Exchange Services

Any idea?


Did you tap the notification about updating the security policies and enable it?
This is your server that wants to to access/change security settings in your phone (for example set a password, encrypt the phone, disable the camera etc). Until you allow this and do the changes the server requires you will not be able to sync with the account.


I also get the message the Exchange service stopped. I link to a Microsoft Exchange server and it worked really well till the upgrade. No incomming mails do neither show the attachments anymore and only extremely small mails can be send. All larger mails stay in the inbox. On top, working from another phone with the same settings work still perfectly!

Hello Guys,

I am finding the same problem, as Toast Message pops up as "Unfortunately Exchange Services Stopped, OK ", As per observations, I'm able to find that when sync services are started with exchange service, Error comes. That too only with Sync Contacts and Sync Mail only. When Service is enabled and Sync Contacts and Sync Emails are active, Message pops up every few seconds. Currently I'm fed up of this problem and Phone was Hanging alot, So, I have disabled service. and works fine without sync..

Immediate help requested. 

THank you..

Attached Bug Report.

Bug Report Generated on 2015-02-07-09-12-15



Sorry to hear that.

If the previous suggestions in this thread doesn't help, do you have a very large number of emails in your account? If so, make sure you haven't set the phone to sync all your emails. You can check this under Email -> [menu] -> Settings -> [your account] -> Days to sync.


I'm facing this issue since I updated to 5.0.2. This error keeps popping up. Phone keep restarting. How RO resolve this issue??

I have the same problem, exchange services keeps crashing and nothing get synced. Worked fine in kitkat, but havn't worked once since L update.

Phone has been factory reset twice, no change. It crashes from the first boot.