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Put This On My Aino

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Put This On My Aino

     Hello people of the internet and Sony Ericsson.  I was wondering if it would be possible to get a photo editing app for the Aino (after all, it does have a ridiculously awesome camera).  I specifically wanted a tilt-shift feature (or blur if that's too much trouble) because I know it would be a wonderful feature to add.  Anyway, other than that and a need for more apps in general, I think the phone is great and I'm proud to own one.  Please consider this suggestion as a feature to add in a future software update or something. 

     And with that, I officially start the "Put This On My Aino" Thread.  What else do the people want?

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Okay, another feature that I would like to see on my aino....

DJ feature! lol.  My cousin suggested it when he saw the music player styles.  He thought that you could use the spinning record and scratch on it and stuff.  That would be cool, though.  Also, if the albums that we put on the aino don't have cover art, we should at least be able to choose the colors that they show up in. On mine, three albums in a row are red.  I tried to take them off and put them back on (to try to change the color) but they stayed the same.  I eventually ended up taking two of them off.  If you could fix that also, that would help (yes, I probably am OCD)  anyway, thanks. 

Please add this to my AINO! Slightly_smiling_Face

-Your Neighborhood Griffy

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An UPDATE is necessary for the menu Sony Aino's multimedia(NOT TACTIL). The menu does not work fluid in any terminal. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT.