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Phone says "Please insert SIM"


Phone says "Please insert SIM"


I bought faulty Z1 this weekend from UK. The problem of the phone is in sim card reader, but i think it's software problem, cause when i insert my sim card, the phone read it and restart. After restart is the same "Please insert sim card" .

I tought it would be easy - Factory reset or hard reset. Downgrade from 5.0.2 to 4.4.4 but nothing is change. Still can't recognize my sim card.
I found the secret menu (*#*#7378423#*#*) and there i found that my new phone have a unlocked bootloader. It's that mean, that older owner rooter the phone, and can I fix it ?


Sorry to hear that you have issues with your Z1.

I would recommend that you first try the phone with another SIM card to make sure it's not the SIM.

If the same thing happens with another SIM card you can try to restore the original firmware using this software which is a tool to flash phones with an unlocked bootloader.

If this issue should remain i'm afraid this sounds like a hardware issue and i would recommend that you contact the seller or your local support team.

I took the liberty of changing the topic to describe the issue.


Thank you for your fast answer.

I tried with o2 and "Three" sim cards, but nothing. I used flashtool for downgrade android from 5.0.2 to 4.4.4.

I'll try to contact our support team.

Thank you again!