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Permanent moist/dust inside the camera lens Sony is not ready to clean it


Permanent moist/dust inside the camera lens Sony is not ready to clean it

Hi Guys,

This is something weird with Sony Xperia Z1, I thought it is temporary problem but passed 5 months it still has moist and sticky stuff inside the lense which gives blurred and really bad image. You dont believe the front camera pictures are better than the back camera now for my phone.

*** Intresting this is when I visited Kormangala/Bangalore service centre, When I requested to clean the lense they asked me to replace for which I Have to play 5000/- rupees which is very expensive. again and again requested them for clean the lense insted of replacing it but service centre did not agree. I really wonder such kind of action by sony.

Kindly let me if any of you got lense cleaned from service centre? I can not spend 5000 for new lense. Rather being engineer i wold try to clean myself on day.

Thanks in advance for you response.

Sunil Naik




Sorry to hear that, contact your local Xperia Care and request a vacuum test


Thanks, but i dont this the voccume test is going to help in cleaning the lense, And and the service centre is not ready to do any kind of cleaning. they just want me to go for replacement. which would cost me 5000/-.

SonyMobile, please reply something


Sorry to hear about your phone.

Hard for me to say for sure as this is handled at local level by your local support team but the issue here may perhaps be that the service location you visited are not equipped to take apart and put together one of our waterproof models and guarantee that it's still waterproof. I recommend that you contact your local support team to see where you can have your Z1 repaired.