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Fm radio suddenly noise


Fm radio suddenly noise

Hello, when I listen radio I suddenly have a noise. I can't predict it, it's happen every minutes or less, but regularly. I have the same problem on two Xperia Z3 Compact bought one month ago with Orange Mobile provider. Is anyone have this problem ? Is it a hardware or a software issue? (I have the latest firmware). Thanks

Does it happen only where you live or anywhere?

What kind of noise is it?

I mean that for some reason there may be a device (in your home or your neighbours) that uses frequency outside of FM range but in range of some in-between frequencies used by radio circuit in Xperias. That may explain why you get the same behaviour on two devices.

Can you try the same few kilometers away?


Dear Sergio,

Thank you for your interest of my problem:

- It happens to my place and anywhere, but particularly "anywhere". I mean on my bike, when I go to work and in the bus (for my wife's mobile. I can add that I (and my wife) use FM radio in excactly the same home - work way that we did with our previous Xperia S (with no problem with FM Radio)

- I can't describe exactly the noise. I can say that: It's is not transient, it's continous (I have to stop radio application and start again to listen again). It's like a fixed frequency (pretty high) wich is switching to another (much higher) and switching back every one seconds.

I don't think that It could be an EMI (interference) problem because the radio station don't go back to "normal". I mean, It's not like when you go into a tunnel and go out.

I can't reproduce the problem "in demand" so I can't return my phone to Sony before I have Identified the "root problem"

Do you have any nex ideas?

PS: When the problem occurs, I can' listen the radio on the background of the noise --> noise replace the radio



Hmm. Connect headphones, start radio, enable loudspeaker and record it using second phone. Video or audio. Then you'll have proof that it is really happening.
Next call Xperia Care and ask for help. Also try different headphones, just to be sure.

Yes maybe it's the right way... I've already tested with other earphones.
Don't you think that xperia care will send a firmware patch or ask to sent back my phone if many people relate the same problem on the forum ?

Hi Sergio, here is the link to the video
Xperia Z3 Compact FM Radio :

I guess that without visiting SC you can do nothing more 😞

Sound is strange. I did have few problems with no audio when noise cancelling feature hung up. Few times I had to restart phone but it happened after few hours of listening. I have operator free Z3C and my radio is working fine so I guess that either customized firmware has some fault or a batch of phones had this fault (that is why both phones have the same problem).

Anyway I would relate it more to hardware problem. If you are absolutely sure that you will bring your phone to service centre try to reset it to factory defaults, then repair phone using PC Compaion or Bridge for Mac and if problem is still persist - send it to repair.


Dear Sergio,
Thank you for all your advices.
In fact, I still don't know if I wait for a firmware upgrade (considering it's caused by the branded customization) or send it back to sony.
In the second case, I need to find a way to reproduce "on demand" the problem. Otherwise SC will return the phone on the same state considering that radio work fine after a brief test.
The last - third - possibility is that this issue is already known by Sony. But I didn't found it on the Web.
Have a good day,

I would try with SC. But give them that recording and estimated time frame when it occurs.

Thanks Sergio. I tried a recovery with PC companion but that didn't solve the problem. I'll try to ask support from SC.