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Well, Recently my phone recieved water damage. It was fine other than some marks under the LED screen whic are visible. The music worked fine, And so did the loudspeaker; But now it isn't. It's not the water, because I cleaned it myself and well; The light that indicates the headphones are connected are always on. Even after reboot, music still plays. What may the problem for this be? I still have 4 months left on my contract and have had it fixed multipul times! Help please, Thanks very much.
Sounds like the water ingress has damaged the headphone connection pins or something else making your phone think headphones are connected, all you can do is to either return your device to the place of purchase or contact Xperia care and have your device inspected
My phone is damaged though, I.e white line down screen. Doesn't that make it unfactored to a return? Since I was careless a few times.
I appreciate that... But I fixed the water, that's fine. I need to put headphones in to hear callers, And the device.. Well I've broke it enough, it's still usable but annoying. Is there a fee to return a damaged device?
Thank you.
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