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I cant even add an email address to a contact in the contacts app because the only choice you have is a numerical keypad for adding data, despite the fact the contacts app gives the message "Add a Name or Number" in the phone app
How on earth can i add a Name with a Numerical keypad? Why do we have to have an email contact in the email app and a phone contact in the phone contact not unified in one contacts app?
Total proof that Sony does not think Innovative. Unlike Apple, which allows addition of facebook page, twitter, web address, emails.
A mere single contacts app should be the HQ for all forms of initiating communication with a known contact, but with Xperia and Android, it seems that you have to have to find Mr Smiths email address by going to email app, and his phone number by going to contacts app. How stupid.
The stupidest thing about the Xperia is that the phone app says ""Enter Name or Number" but only allows you to enter a Number, and has no Keyboard to enter a Name!
Considering Sony is a Multinational Billiuon dollar company, this shows them up. Absolute Imbecility Rules
Open the contact then tap the edit icon (looks like a pencil or pen) then tap add field then email and enter the email address then tap the tick or done icon