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Xperia X main microphone doesn't work suddenly ..


Xperia X main microphone doesn't work suddenly ..

Guys i need your help! the microphone won't work during calls they can't hear me through this. only from loudspeaker can. I put it on safe mode still same, it's updated to android 8.0.0 i did the service tests and i can't hear from main mic. The second mic working fine


Accepted Solutions

Hi @DariB, sorry to hear about this. Slightly_frowning_Face

Please get in touch with your Local support team so they can arrange a repair for you as the device will need to be examined. You can also try what @Zyzz1 recommended as that worked for him!

@Zyzz1, that sounds very strange, however I'm really glad to hear that everything is working now again! Slightly_smiling_Face

Let me know if there is anything else and have a great weekend!

View solution in original post


Hi @Zyzz1, sorry to hear about this. Slightly_frowning_Face

I can see that you have tried most of the troubleshooting on your own, however there is still one more thing that you can do on your own and that is performing a software repair using Xperia Companion, just to make sure that the software in the device is not the cause of this.

This will completely reinstall the latest available software in your device and in the same process delete all data from the internal storage, so it is very important that you create a backup using Xperia Companion before you start with the repair.

Should there be no change after the repair has been completed, your device will needs to be sent in to an authorized service centre so it can be examined. Your Local support team will assist you with this and answer any questions that you may have regarding warranty, consumer laws and local service routines.

Keep me posted! Slightly_smiling_Face


Hello same issue here.


Xperia Companion did not help.

Then follow Jonas' advice and take up contact with Support.


Hello my friend sorry for the waiting. Mine fixed by alone. After 1.5 days ! And I didn't repair it via xperia companion. I just reset the settings, I update some apps from Google play store, several restarts, shut downs, I put it safe mode . Nothing works of these but thankfully working again . I was ready go to the service. If you can for some hours don't use it or power off the night. I hope it will be fixed like mine did. 


I fixed it. Thanks for the answer! I was sure that wasn't software problem I search a lot and software repair wasn't sure good solution.. If you try microphone from Sony app it's working fine. 


Hi @DariB, sorry to hear about this. Slightly_frowning_Face

Please get in touch with your Local support team so they can arrange a repair for you as the device will need to be examined. You can also try what @Zyzz1 recommended as that worked for him!

@Zyzz1, that sounds very strange, however I'm really glad to hear that everything is working now again! Slightly_smiling_Face

Let me know if there is anything else and have a great weekend!