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Wifi randomly disables, blocks restart since May security update


Wifi randomly disables, blocks restart since May security update


since the May security update (build 34.4.A.2.70) my Wifi randomly gets disabled. Sometimes I manage to turn it on again, other times when trying to turn it on again the activation process does not come back. When I try shutting down/restarting the phone during such a hang situation the shutdown process is hanging in the 'Shutting down' down dialog for >10min before the phone finally switches off. It gets quite warm during that time.

Anybody seen anything like this on their X Compact?

Thanks and best wishes,



Its my Problem, too.

You can force restart by holding „volume Up“ while pressing Power. Additionally sometimes The battery–menu is crashing, Not responding, nothing showing.


I caught the logcat output of my latest Wifi failures. It seems there are two types of failures.

First (logcat output filtered to only include 'wifi'):

05-24 06:54:24.204 569-569/? I/android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Wifi HAL started
05-24 06:54:24.970 569-569/? E/android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Failed to set DFS flag; DFS channels may be unavailable.
05-24 06:54:24.994 3258-3258/? I/wificond: create scanner for interface with index: 6
    subscribe scan result for interface with index: 6
05-24 06:54:25.324 6469-6469/? D/MccTable: updateMccMncConfiguration defaultMccMnc=26201
    updateMccMncConfiguration: mcc=262, mnc=1
    WIFI_COUNTRY_CODE set to de
05-24 06:54:25.343 569-569/? E/android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Failed to get driver version: SUCCESS
05-24 06:54:25.344 569-569/? E/android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Failed to get driver version: SUCCESS
05-24 06:54:25.465 3258-3258/? I/wificond: New interface event callback registered
05-24 06:54:25.726 3258-3258/? W/wificond: Scan is not started. Ignore abort request
05-24 06:54:25.896 3460-5859/? I/chatty: uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 1 line
05-24 07:17:32.192 3258-3258/? E/wificond: Received error messsage: Operation not supported on transport endpoint
    NL80211_CMD_ABORT_SCAN failed
05-24 07:17:32.192 3258-3258/? W/wificond: Abort scan failed
05-24 07:17:32.201 3258-3258/? E/wificond: Received error messsage: Operation not supported on transport endpoint
    NL80211_CMD_ABORT_SCAN failed
05-24 07:17:32.201 3258-3258/? W/wificond: Abort scan failed
05-24 07:17:32.206 3258-3258/? E/wificond: Received error messsage: Operation not supported on transport endpoint
    NL80211_CMD_ABORT_SCAN failed
05-24 07:17:32.206 3258-3258/? W/wificond: Abort scan failed
05-24 07:25:33.241 3258-3258/? I/wificond: Unregister interface event callback
05-24 07:25:33.398 3258-3258/? I/wificond: Unsubscribe scan result for interface with index: 6
05-24 07:25:33.631 569-569/? I/android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Wifi HAL stopped

And second:

05-24 13:24:55.734 569-569/? E/android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Failed to set DFS flag; DFS channels may be unavailable.
05-24 13:24:55.747 3258-3258/? I/wificond: create scanner for interface with index: 6
    subscribe scan result for interface with index: 6
    --------- beginning of main
05-24 13:24:55.809 2678-2678/? D/wpa_supplicant: TDLS: TDLS operation supported by driver


05-24 13:24:57.148 569-569/? D/WifiHAL: Sending mac address OUI
05-24 13:24:57.208 569-569/? E/WifiHAL: Failed to register debug response; result = -95
05-24 13:24:57.208 569-569/? E/android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Failed to get driver version: SUCCESS
05-24 13:24:57.210 569-569/? E/WifiHAL: Failed to register debug response; result = -95
05-24 13:24:57.210 569-569/? E/android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Failed to get driver version: SUCCESS
05-24 13:24:57.235 3258-3258/? I/wificond: New interface event callback registered
05-24 13:24:57.241 3258-3258/? I/wificond: Unregister interface event callback
05-24 13:24:57.271 3258-3258/? I/wificond: Unsubscribe scan result for interface with index: 6
05-24 13:24:57.278 3460-3460/? W/ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:644 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:644 com.sonymobile.wifi.idd.IddUtils.startIddService:16 com.sonymobile.wifi.idd.IddReceiver.onReceive:30
05-24 13:24:57.286 569-2687/? E/WifiHAL: wifi_event_loop: Read after POLL returned 4, error no = 0
05-24 13:24:57.286 569-2687/? D/WifiHAL: Got a signal to exit!!!
05-24 13:24:57.286 569-2687/? I/WifiHAL: Exit wifi_event_loop
05-24 13:24:57.286 569-569/? E/WifiHAL: wifi_cleanup: Read after POLL returned 4, error no = 1
05-24 13:24:57.287 569-569/? E/WifiHAL: Event processing terminated
05-24 13:24:57.287 569-569/? I/WifiHAL: Internal cleanup completed
05-24 13:24:57.290 3460-3460/? W/ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:644 android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:644 com.sonymobile.wifi.idd.IddUtils.startIddService:16 com.sonymobile.wifi.idd.IddReceiver.onReceive:30
05-24 13:24:57.488 569-569/? I/android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Wifi HAL stopped


It could not observe the problem any more since installing the June security update (build 34.4.A.2.85) about 10 days ago. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it has been fixed.

Best wishes,
