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Popup on screen - Headset is not supported


Popup on screen - Headset is not supported


Hi Team,

I am wonder if anyone else has recently started receiving this popup?

The Sony headset that came with the phone died quite some time ago, so I have been using a HTC headset. It has been working fine. Today I plug it in and it comes up with this.

I can't find anything on any forum, or website, that can advise on how to fix this. I have HTC headsets, which until today, have worked fine.

I have uninstalled Smartconnect, restarted the phone, checked it. had the same problem. So reinstalled Smartconnect.

Any ideas????



Hi @BarbH, very sorry to hear about this. Slightly_frowning_Face

Just to make sure that this is not related to the actual headset, do you have another one that you can try and plug in to the device? If you don't have another headset, could you maybe borrow one from a friend, colleague or family member and see if you receive the same error message? The best would of course be if it's a Sony headset.

You can also try and restart your phone in safe mode. That way we can see if any of your downloaded applications are the cause of this.

Let me know if that helps! Slightly_smiling_Face


Hi Jonas,

I have tried a second headset, it works great - it is HTC. Both headsets work in my husbands' phone. The one I have been using has always worked up until now.

I would order another generic headset, but I am concerned it won't work and I will have spent the money for nothing.


I recently started seeing this pop up. It happens when I plug my earphones in. I have tried it with 2 different headsets and received the same popup. I have also started it in Safe mode and initially they worked but then i got the same message popup. Is there a software update that is required?


Hello again, sorry for the late reply.

@BarbH, Thanks a lot for this information! Slightly_smiling_Face

Xperia X Performance and some of our other devices have a 5 pole audio connect jack, do you know if that is something that your husbands device also have as well, or if it just a 4 pole audio jack? If he has a device with 4 pole, that could explain why the headset works in his device and not yours, if for example, on of the connectors on the headset stopped working. It could also be the case that the other headset you are using does not have support for this and this is why it still works in your device, but the headset that came with the phone does and there is something wrong with the audio port in your device.

I understand that if you are going to order it online, you would like to know if it works or not. However if you are going to buy one in a store (or if a store have the headset in stock but you rather want to order it online) you could visit the store and ask them if you could try the headset in your device to see if it works or not, before buying it.

Was there any change when the device was rebooted in safe mode, or did the device still not recognize the original headset in this mode either? You can also try and perform a software repair using Xperia Companion, just to make sure that the software in the device is not the cause of this as it will be reinstalled when performing the software repair.

Do note that all data stored on the internal storage also will be deleted, so it's important that you create a backup using Xperia Companion before you start with the repair.

@JoshG, sorry to hear about your phone. Slightly_frowning_Face

If you have one or more updated to install, please install them and see if there has been any change.

You can also try performing a software repair using Xperia Companion. Do remember to create a backup using Xperia Companion though, as all data on the device will be deleted.

Let me know how it goes for both of you! Slightly_smiling_Face


Hi Jonas,

My husband has a HTC M8, not sure about the headphone connection.

Thank-you for the information. 

I'm not about to do a reset of my phone - too painful reloading everything again! 

I will perserve with what i have and not use those headphones.




Hi again @BarbH!

I totally understand that and it's never fun having to reset your device. Slightly_frowning_Face

If you get the opportunity to try with a third pair of headphones, that would be a great way to see if this is caused by the device or not!

Feel free to keep me posted!


سلام. صدای گوشیه من اصلادرنمیاد وپیام هدست نات ساپورتد روش میاد!!!!!

Hello. I do not hear the sound of my handset, and the headset of the phone supports it !!!!!



Hi @arezoo29, sorry to hear about this. Slightly_frowning_Face

Your question has been translated to English as this is an International forum.

Have you tried any of the troubleshooting that I have posted in this thread? If you haven't done that yet, please do so and report back.