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How to swipe through photos using default file browser?


How to swipe through photos using default file browser?

I can't believe I'm having to ask this but when viewing a photo through the pre-installed file manager app (blue circle with a white folder icon) I cannot figure out how you swipe right to view the next photo or left to view the previous photo? The only way to change photo seems to be to back out of the photo back to the gallary and then open a new photo. Surely I am missing something?

I use this app because I have a microSD card with encryption enabled and the file manager app I used to use cannot access the microSD card. Can 3rd party file manager apps access the system encrypted microSD card?



I cannot help you swiping.

A remark:

Why did you encrypt your SD card?

Is the content that secret that no-one should be able to read it?

Then leave it that way and never forget your password.

Did you Google on recovering an encrypted SD card?

Just consider to leave that SD card plain, not-encrypted.

Imagine how glad you will be once your device collapses or whatever mishap.

You will be able to read and copy the contents to any other device without a problem.