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Headphone jack not working


Headphone jack not working

Hello. I have sony xperia x model phone and about 2 days ago my headphone jack stop working when i plugging headphones in.  About 3 days ago audio jack working fine. Now I cannot hear anything via headphones.  Only noisy sound when i touch The screen. I use Wired headphones i Pluged headphones in The audio jack but music playing via phone speakers. I try software repair factory reset but problem is a same. I need help or advice! Maybe is a software bug? Now iam using sound about program from google apps this is only way listening the music.... 


Dude I too had a problem like this. Actually songs quality got degraded and i cleaned the headphone jack with a sharp pin and i took a lot of dust from inside (It was like a small cotton ball) and i also cleaned the headphones connector and now it's working fine. Hope it helps.