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Bloatware on Xperia X Compact


Bloatware on Xperia X Compact

There is a lot of bloatware present on the Xc. Well, actually there is on all the Sony phone. But with the previous Z models you could remove unwanted apps. Today, the apps can only be turned off after wich they take memory.
Why is it that Sony switched from the possibility to delete a app to only turning it off?
I don't need Swiftkey, I use the Xperia keyboard or the Jellybean 4.3 version. I don't use the Google agenda, I use the Xperia version. I don't want Amazon, AVG, Kobo Books, Lifelog etc etc.


Well, by reading other reviews and comments I have got the impression other phones might suffer less from bloatware. But yes, future will show. I expect no device to be totally "clean". Preinstalled apps can be accepted as long as they can be removed though.


only Nexus devices have less bloatware BUT they will still include ALL GOOGLE apps/services, other than that, Sony is the brand with less bloatware. 


I was surprised to find that Facebook was updating itself; it turns out that Sony baked Facebook and a Facebook automatic update service into the phone, and they can't be uninstalled (the service can't, at least, I didn't check to see if Facebook itself is removeable).  I had to disable the service to keep Facebook from updating itself without my permission.

I've disabled the Facebook application (I use Metal which is a great alternative) but I've noticed occasionally that something tries to update itself without my permission. It disappears before I can react to it so I can't tell what is being updated. Particularly annoying as it uses my mobile data.  How did you disable this please?


@uliwooly wrote:


only Nexus devices have less bloatware BUT they will still include ALL GOOGLE apps/services, other than that, Sony is the brand with less bloatware. 

Pixel devices now that the Nexus line is finished. Motorola and Nokia also offer "vanilla" Android with no bloat. Well, okay, there are 2 small Moto apps on my Moto X Play.

How much user space is left on the X Compact when it's fully updated? I'm tempted by the X Compact, but memory is a concern. My current phone only has 16Gb, I forget how much of that is usable space, but I'm really pinched for space now.


@pj147 wrote:

How much user space is left on the X Compact when it's fully updated? I'm tempted by the X Compact, but memory is a concern. My current phone only has 16Gb, I forget how much of that is usable space, but I'm really pinched for space now.

To answer my own question, after 3 (I think it was 3) updates were applied to my new X Compact to take it from Android 6 to Android 7, and the phone was in a virgin state, there was 11.38GB out of 32GB used by the OS and "bloatware". In other words, there was 20.62GB free for me to use.


The best way is to disabled those applications buy mobile carrier data only for social media only and use no root firewall application since sony is forcing users to use those applications and no option for uninstalled. I don't use xperia services because of stupid boatware installed in my phone. 


If you buy a cellphone it is no longer owned by someone it is yours. The problem with boatware is even if you don't use those things they still require updates and eating battery, mobile data space. i understand why people root their devices and risk their warranty


The output is.

1. Choose the optimal and stable version of Android. For me it is Android 7.1

(Android 8.0 Oreo - disgusting)

2. Make Root system.

3. Install the optimal version of Android and get rid of the installed Sony parasite programs and Google ads.

You don't need root access.

ADB will do.

Howto on XDA