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Bloatware on Xperia X Compact


Bloatware on Xperia X Compact

There is a lot of bloatware present on the Xc. Well, actually there is on all the Sony phone. But with the previous Z models you could remove unwanted apps. Today, the apps can only be turned off after wich they take memory.
Why is it that Sony switched from the possibility to delete a app to only turning it off?
I don't need Swiftkey, I use the Xperia keyboard or the Jellybean 4.3 version. I don't use the Google agenda, I use the Xperia version. I don't want Amazon, AVG, Kobo Books, Lifelog etc etc.

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Android it's developed by Google, which means that Google apps must be preloaded, and since this is a SONY phone, you will get Sony's apps and services, just like any other brand.

As far as preloaded third party apps:

Preloaded apps vary per region, BUT keep in mind that Sony is the brand (non-pixel/nexus) with the least bloatware. You can send your suggestions/feedback to Sony directly >>> Local support

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Android it's developed by Google, which means that Google apps must be preloaded, and since this is a SONY phone, you will get Sony's apps and services, just like any other brand.

As far as preloaded third party apps:

Preloaded apps vary per region, BUT keep in mind that Sony is the brand (non-pixel/nexus) with the least bloatware. You can send your suggestions/feedback to Sony directly >>> Local support


I agree - the X Compact seems to contain at least 2gb of stuff that's not in vanilla Android releases (such as what's found on Nexus/Pixel phones).

I was surprised to find that Facebook was updating itself; it turns out that Sony baked Facebook and a Facebook automatic update service into the phone, and they can't be uninstalled (the service can't, at least, I didn't check to see if Facebook itself is removeable).  I had to disable the service to keep Facebook from updating itself without my permission.

Why is Sony loading this phone down with so much stuff that I'll never use, and which, in fact, is kind of annoying?  Why the move towards more bloat?  After installing all my apps (not a ton), I only have 14gb left on the phone, out of 32gb.  That's ridiculous.


Totally agree Tbessie.

I remember when the only bloat on Sony Android phones used to be some e-mail client, I can't remember what it's called now, but there was nothing else.

But the apps on this phone take it too far, for example, if I want a virus scanner, I will download and install one, I don't want AVG pre-installed. People will say "you can disable them in settings" which I have done obviously, but it's not the point when they are just sat on your phone taking up valuable space. The whole point of phones going to 32GB and upwards now is because apps are getting bigger and bigger (why the Facebook app needs to take up 300-400MB now is anyones guess but that's another story) - so why take away the space we have paid for the privilege of having by wasting it on pre-loaded apps that nobody wants? Not everybody is a noob who wants all their apps pre-loaded, and likewise not everybody wants to root their brand new phone in order to remove them.

Sort it out Sony.

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I believe the mobile phone producers get a lot of money from the developers to put there apps on the phones. I can not think of any other reason why Amazon, AVG or Kobo is pre-installed. Or why the presence of those apps would make my life more satisfying. I'm not talking about Google or Sony apps but the other stuff.
My point is, in the past one could remove these unwanted apps but nowadays you can only shut them off leaving them talking a lot of space on your flash mamory.

And about that memory. Wen I came from Symbian with the Sony Ericsson G900 to my first Android phone. This Sony Ericsson Ray had just 512mb of space. Try updating Facebook on that phone these days. The difference between the facebook app in 2011 and 2017? Functionality is practically the same so I don't know.
What I do know is I can't get rid of it. Even though I'm not using it.

alex_ncfc - agreed.  I wish Sony would listen to the customers who are buying their phones. 😞

I'd bet that this phone is similar to prior Sony phones, where the Camera app is hobbled and takes worse pictures on purpose if the phone is rooted.  Have you rooted yours and discovered anything of the kind?


Glad to see people agree with me even if my kudoed posts were deleted. "What's New" itself is enough to make Sony the worst Android brand for bloatware.


@AnnoyedUKCustomer wrote:

Glad to see people agree with me even if my kudoed posts were deleted. "What's New" itself is enough to make Sony the worst Android brand for bloatware.

Huh - what did you say in your posts, and why did they get deleted - do you know?

- Tim


Hi folks,

Somewhat old thread but still usefull. I own an Xperia SP and is now looking for a new phone. The Xperia X compact looks promising. Good battery and size. But you don't see everything on it's outside... A major annoyance with my current SP is - you guessed it - bloatware that can't be removed. Was hoping Sony had got rid of it but obviously not. For me, reason enough to disqualify Sony.

Thanks for sharing your experiences.


lol, so you will go with a different brand with more bloatware? lol good luck