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Dear, how are you? I hope they are well.
I wanted to comment that since I updated my phone to the .107 version I noticed some changes for the better.
- I was able to record in video 45 minutes in FullHD (30fps), before I did not pass the 10 minutes. I could not continue recording because I ran out of space on the SD card.
- When I take a picture I no longer have that lag of approximately 2 seconds there was. Now it hardly lasts fractions of a second, but it is perfectly acceptable.
- The equipment goes fluid and I notice that the discharge of the battery goes slower.
There is only one thing that happened to me today and before it had never happened: While I was using the Facebook application, the phone went out completely. I had to restart it again. This had not happened to me before. I hope it's nothing serious.
Greetings to all and congratulations to Sony for the work they did with the Operating System.

Jorge Iruzubieta