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Waar kan ik zien wat de BER is van een EX500? Op de menupagina waar de gegevens staan van o.a. de signaalsterkte zijn een aantal gegevens te zien, maar niets wat op BER of iets dergelijks lijkt. Is er een andere aanduiding die de bitfoutfrequentie aangeeft?
Heb een soorgelijke vraag ook ooit gesteld.
De Pre RS waarde:
RS stands for "Reed-Solomon". Some additional bytes are added to each data packet sent to your STB. If the packet gets corrupted in transmission (because of electrical noise), the STB is able to use the extra bytes to correct the corruption. I think up to 8 incorrect bytes in each 188-byte packet can be corrected - in this case everything will work fine. However, if there are more than 8 incorrect bytes, the STB still knows the data is wrong, but isn't able to correct the errors. In this case, the STB just discards the packet.
The Pre-RS error rate shows the total number of errors, both correctable and uncorrectable. The Post-RS error rate shows just the uncorrectable ones. As long as there are no Post-RS errors, your picture will not break up.
Now then, in the figures you posted the Post-RS error rates are zero. The problem is that the STB only calculates them over a very short period, and you happen to have had no post-RS errors just before you looked. Noise tends to come in bursts - as you say, the fault comes and goes.
Ik zie in jouw overzicht alleen de Pre RS waarde, niet de Post RS. Kijk ik ergens overheen?
Message was edited by: roben008