vTuner Offline on Some Devices [Nov 2014]


vTuner Offline on Some Devices [Nov 2014]

Hi all,


It looks as though vTuner is now off-line again on some devices. My own STR-DN1040 Receiver remains unaffected at this time however my BDP-S7200 Blu-ray is displaying the following message:


“This service cannot be accessed at this time because the server replied with incorrect or invalid information”.


Please report any other affected devices here for simplicity of colaborating the information, kindly do not start a new thread.


Thanks in advance!

The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14
455 REPLIES 455

I have been trying to get a refund from my retailer for my CMT-G2BNIP using my statutory rights. As yet, no luck, so last night I emailed them saying that I would be seeking a refund via the small claims court. My retailer did phone me up this morning, what's annoying is, they keep saying the internet radio is like an app, similar to Youtube that's no longer on older smart tv's. I'm still no further forward, they said they would get in contact with Sony, following the small claims court guidelines, you have to give your retailer time to rectify the problem. I have had the CMT-G2BNIP for exactly one year. I have been posting on Sony UK facebook page, you do get a reply from Sony, only the basic ' were looking into the problem' then they sent you a link to here.

What is also annoying, looking on the store section on here, a unit that has got an internet radio function, Sony has put a footnote - Sony bears no responsibility in the event that services offered by third parties are changed, disrupted, suspended or terminated.

Don't you just hate small print?!! The trouble is Sony doesn't always provide the user with a manual and so unless you have a computer you would never get to see what the small print says. I do understand the reasons behind Sony's logic however for me personally my STR-DN1040 receiver has a dedicated button on the remote control (SEN) for launching the Sony Entertainment Service which is no longer functional, therefore I would argue that my product no longer functions as intended. Throughout my life I have always chosen to buy products from reputable brand names, Panasonic was always my firm favourite closely followed by Sony, that said Sony seem slow at resolving customer issues by comparison. Thankfully we all have a choice who we spend our money with...
The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14

My retailer has phoned me up, saying they have been in contact with Sony, who will be issuing a software upgrade either Tuesday or Wednesday. Hope this is good news, somehow I'm still very sceptical, because the way my retailer was talking, Sony thinks it should be working now. Pulling the wool over eyes comes to mind. We will see, have to phone my retailer on Wednesday to let them know the outcome.


Not good, I keep asking for confirmation on the Sonk Uk facebook page, but my posts keep getting deleted. I have added to another posting. Not good.


I think it's me, I have wound them up too much with my previous postings, now cannot post new ones, so I had to use my wife's account to post, as yet no reply.


I promised to post the response to my email, so here it is, strikes me that it's just a slightly modified stock answer and that noen of my suggestions were taken on board. Doesn't move things forward at all either, with no new information! Interested to see the most recent posts and have my fingers crossed.


Dear Mr Meadowcroft


Thank you for contacting Sony regarding your CMT-G2BNIP, we are sorry to learn that the Vtuner service is no longer available.


In regards to your enquiry, please note that unfortunately, the service provider of the Vtuner has decided to terminate the service and this was not a decision taken by Sony and we cannot confirm whether the service will be restored or not.


Please provide us with the serial number for registration on the case.


Should you have any further questions, please feel free to reply to this email.


Thank you for your enquiry.


Yours sincerely,
Sony customer support

Sony Europe Limited


I found myself not being able to leave things at that and sent the following response;


Thanks for the update, I appreciate you are unable to comment on the vTuner situation as they are a third party. However as I mentioned in my previous email you also used to offer the Music Unlimited service through the same device which has also disappeared. Surely as one of the worlds largest Music companies you are in the position to offer your customers an alternative service that doesn't make their hi-fi kit obsolete? I'd appreciate if you could further my comments on to someone who may be able to offer a more in depth explanation of the direction Sony is taking in providing all their devices streaming Radio stations.


Blinking cheek, I get a badge for contributing to these forums, from the Sony team. I want blinking answers not a blinking badge.

I'm getting annoyed at this third party crap.

On the box of my CMT-G2BNIP it keeps telling all about the number of radio stations I can listen to. No  where on the box is a warning that says that you can lose this service  at anytime.

Sony must have some responsibilty in this, Vtuner do not cut off th service without a reason.


Sorry, I'm beginning to flip, I paid good money and did not even a  year out of the internet radio.

Sorry, rant over for a little while.


When reading the previous posts I think it is important to mention again that the problems that Sony users have with the vTuner service are NOT vTuner's fault but Sony's!
I used to have a Sony device and I had also problems with receiving internetstaions via vTuner on my Sony device.
I now have a beautiful Marantz device wich also has the possibility of receiving internetstations wich is working perfectly with no problems at all.
And Marantz is using, just like Sony, vTuner for receiving internetstations!
A friend of mine has a Onky device with also has the possibility of receiving internetstations. And Onkyo is also using vTuner for this service.

I know that Sony is blaming vTuner for the problems of receiving internetstations on Sony devices. But, if your read the above, I think it is fair to say that the problems of receiving internetstations on Sony devices is not vTuners fault but Sony's fault!!


Sony has ripped off consumers by selling their products with certain features such as vTuner and then not support them making the unit useless therefore forcing consumers to lose their money. Yet movie companies such as Sony want the right to sue for damages if anyone illegally downloads their movies or music because it lowers their profit margin.


Good point, cessnock. I did not buy the CMT-G2NiP for the CD player or the FM radio. AirPlay is cool but you can update any amp with an adapter. I bought the unit SPECIFICALLY for the Internet radio function - now gone 😞