vTuner Offline on Some Devices [Nov 2014]


vTuner Offline on Some Devices [Nov 2014]

Hi all,


It looks as though vTuner is now off-line again on some devices. My own STR-DN1040 Receiver remains unaffected at this time however my BDP-S7200 Blu-ray is displaying the following message:


“This service cannot be accessed at this time because the server replied with incorrect or invalid information”.


Please report any other affected devices here for simplicity of colaborating the information, kindly do not start a new thread.


Thanks in advance!

The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14
455 REPLIES 455


404 page not found.

In any case this has nothing to do with the Vtuner outage

Not applicable

Hi guys

Saw an email this morning - Sony is aware of the current total loss of service and is currently liasing with vTuner to resolve it.


Yeah. Of course they are.

Tell them they needn't bother. We've all gone & traded for an Onkyo.

At least they know what they're doing.


Try it again. It works properly.




Thanks for the update fella! It wasn't working on mine earlier this evening when I checked it but to be honest I've given up worrying about it. Honestly speaking there's so many other ways to listen to music these days and most are so much more reliable than vTuner. vTuner is so over rated, especially given all the trouble we've had with it.


I'm a huge fan of AirPlay myself, I stream iTunes all day long from my PC to my receiver and couldn't ask for more. If I want new music I go to SoundCloud or any number of other sites and download some free choonz and add them to my iTunes library, we're spoilt for choice these days! :wink:


Good to see you around anyway!


Cheers :thumbsup:

The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14

@Pistabacsi wrote:

Yeah. Of course they are.

Tell them they needn't bother. We've all gone & traded for an Onkyo.

At least they know what they're doing.

Oooh you're such a bad boy!


Count me out, I've still got my Sony receiver, not sure I'd buy an Onkyo, it's a name thing really, sounds like  brand of yogurt. LOL!! :laughing:

The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14

Actually, Onkyo are part of Denon and they make really good amps.

Sent via my Sony Xperia™ Tablet Z running Android 4.4.2

I'm done with Sony.

After the last issue months ago where Sony told me (again) that the vTuner option was a vTuner issue i bought a denon device which is performing very well adn the internet radio work just fine.


I (and all my family and friends and relatives) will never buy any Sony product, I know that for sure.


The service of Sony is one of the worst i've ever seen and the fact that Sony does not take there responibility for the fact that they equipe and sell there devices with the vtuner option and say that you have full internet radio acces is a complete lie because the service went down more that ever and after that we only had a few stations left which were complete useless for the most of us. The only thing they did was fingerpointing to vTuner and to the fact that the internetradio is working so there is nothing wrong with there device. (well... accept for the fact that more then 100.000 radio stations are disappeared...) 

Just unbelievable.


The best we all can do is just never buy any Sony products again and tell the story on internet and to all the people we know so they won't make the same mistake as we did.


So, never ever Sony products for me. Hope they soon will realize that there arrogance and despicable way of behaviour will cost them there customers and will lead Sony hopefully soon to a downfall.

unzeitg (Explorer) I tried your link but it doesn't work. I'd be
interested to read your workaround?


I do not know what is problem with link to our solution,

direct link is:









No problem, I can help you.